Win At Chess in 10 MOVES By Promoting A Pawn!

Yes, you can promote a pawn in just 10 moves and checkmate your opponent!

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  1. No one will take that knight πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€

  2. Black can play Kd7 and after Ne5, the pawn will be taken.

  3. King d8 would stop promotion but lose a rook

  4. Love your channel Igor, but I think you insert too many unnecessary memes. Rather just watch the vid without the memes as it spoils it.

  5. "Because in every short video you need to sacrifice the rook" me plays a game, sacrifices the rook for no reason and uploaded a short on it

  6. May be block king move in one step forward at last step you lost all

  7. Yeah but that’s a dumb move to take away a sitting knight for an active bishop man. I want more realistic lines

  8. The Magnus celebrating memeπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  9. Igor … you have to sacrifice: THE ROOOOOOOOOCK

  10. AYO, i played a game like this with my friend and i lost the exact same way as showed in this vid, pain

  11. What if my opponent knows how to play chess?

  12. Bro speaks fax..That you got to sac your rook

  13. What happens if you play king d7 after pawn c7

  14. Not even gonna give credit to Nijat Abasov?

  15. bro it is not checkmate he will cover with knight

  16. I was playing chess with my friend and he hanged the queen, i had mercy cuz he's and idiot, 4 moves later he hunged it again πŸ’€

  17. I play the Slav almost exclusively against the queens gambit And most people who do, will take the pawn on c4 after nf3 and then go b5 the following move, because white always plays e3 after you take and then they'll play a4. To which I play a6 and then develop. They don't play it like the caro. Don't expect this to work against the Slav.

  18. Most Slav players will take your c4 pawn after nf3. That's what I do every single time. Whites next moves are e3, a4 every time. Just play b5,a6 after they do and develop, most of the time white will just focus on getting their pawn back instead of structure and development.

  19. Excuse me, knight can save the game and queen doesn't go for C6 because bishop is there


  21. Black could play king to d7 and take the pawn

  22. Bro had a chance to say ''AND WE SACRIFEE THEEE ROOOK!!!'' and missed it

  23. 1)What if I can place my rook back to a8.
    2)Or put the horse in front lf king agian

  24. what if king goes to d7 stopping the pawn to promote?🀨🀨

  25. Ok I'm concern about

    1. Isn't not worth it? Cuz u lost the knight and room and queen, although u get the queen back, it's steal a usleed thing since u lost two important pieces.

    2. Why can't u just ✨EN PEASANT ✨

    3. Why didn't he said "AND HE SACIFICE.. THE ROOKKKKKKKK" 😒


  26. I get it, if king d7, pawn takes knight and promotes.

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