Oh My God! Chess rules can get really complex!

The FIDE Handbook covers all the laws of chess. However, there are often cases which are so complex that they are not so easy to foresee. Here’s an example from the World Rapid 2022 where Ehsan Ghaem Maghami was playing with the white pieces against Mustafokhuja Khusenkhojaev. It was a rook + bishop vs rook endgame and it went on for a long time. The entire hall was waiting for this game to end so that the next round pairings could come up. However, it was not to be. There was the very important 75-move rule that cropped up in this game, as well as the changing of points in the next round after the pairing is published. These are the kind of rules, which not many people are aware of. Check out the video and let us know your thoughts on the entire incident.

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Video: ChessBase India

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