Google vs. ChatGPT: INSANE CHESS

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  1. I am laughing at your hairline thank you.

  2. 3:50 he starts sounding like he’s from rick and morty 😂

  3. Stockfish: wait what?? They can't do that!!!, That's not part of the patch! devs they're abusing a glitch right now!

  4. This truly is a battle of the cerebral cortexes

  5. As they say a perfect chess game is a draw

  6. google bard really thought they could en passant against a knight

  7. When he said plot twist were coming he meant it I did not expect the night with a steel chair from the dark dimension

  8. Dude !!!! Humanity is safe …lmao at least for another 100 years lol

  9. Chat GPT can travel trough dimensions that's why the moves that he makes are insane

  10. I am little confused by this. Tell me again please, how can I get to the other dimension in my games?

  11. Interesting content,going beyond the normal chess content

  12. whites bishop went to spacial storage 🤣

  13. I think that they were playing battle ship

  14. um, actually this game is 3d chess represented on a 2d board you can't imagine the brilliance on display here

  15. Its true…😂😂😂i wasn't expecting this kind of a plot twist 👏

  16. There is also an innate receptivity to santa claus among children, what exactly is your point? Kids are fucking retarded of course they turn to something that can answer all of their questions

  17. You are arested for almost making me die from laghing

  18. Bard wins in my book with that Queen checkmate

  19. While we were playing 3D chess trying to find out about 4D chess, they were already playing 5D chess.

  20. "If you don't understand this stuff, you know, that's your loss, you clearly don't get what's going on." Clearly YOU don't get what's going on. Could you turn up the narcissism a notch?

  21. 14:22 Normal game-promoting pawn to a knight
    This game-demoting knight to a pawn💀☠️💀☠️💀☠️💀💀☠️💀☠️👽💀☠️💀👽☠️💀👽

  22. I think taking your own pieces should be legal. That’s the berserker strats 😂

  23. This video is an absolute masterpiece, I need another video of them playing against each other

  24. I don't think its normal to be laughing this hard about chess. Omw I'm not a chess master but yohh nahh this is insane kak moves. I died when they started chowing their onw pieces😭😭😭🤣😂😂😂😂Nahh

  25. After this video I confirm AI gonna take over humanity.

  26. Humans: AI will gonna take over us,

    AI : move my queen to the end of the bord ignore the pwan in the way.

  27. the ai thought it was chutes and ladders

  28. Google just uses their high technologies, nothing out of ordinary here

  29. “Black starts avalanching their pawns forward … illegally … ad plays*”

  30. Chatgpt be like:
    How dare you use my own spell against me google

  31. This reminds of the time I played ChatGpt. I played as white and it played as black. I played e4 it played e5 but its pawn was on e6, then I played Nf3 and it skipped its move and my other knight was suddenly nowhere to be found

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