Chess Game Rules: An Initial Leap For Newcomers
What is it to know about chess game rules if you’re only a starter? This intellectual challenge may seem extremely complicated, especially for beginners. So, it’s vital to dive into it gradually and learn the most basic stuff first. We’ve compiled a guide that won’t confuse you on your journey into the white-and-black world. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced player, has something for everyone.
General Things You Might Have Heard Of
Let’s start with several axioms that border more with etiquette. But if you get this foundation, you’ll act more like a professional player.
ONE HAND ONLY. It’s not common to wave both your arms over the board. Pick one and use only it whatever action you need to make: moving, attacking, castling, etc.
TOUCHED? MOVE! If you raise your hand and merely touch a piece, you should use it. So, before you do it, you should analyze the board and make sure it’s a good decision.
CHECKS ARE NOT ANNOUNCED. Your rivals should keep track of the board situation themselves. If they miss it, they make an illegal move. Point out to that instead
Chess Game Rules
The goal of the intellectual confrontation is to checkmate the opposing king. This happens when it’s threatened with an attack, with all escape options not available. The only way to achieve it is to work out a strategy when deploying your soldiers.
Conflicting parties sit opposite to each other. The armies are located at the edges of the board in 2 rows. Each has 16 units that move according to their own patterns.
- Pawns usually jump 1 square forward, hitting enemies horizontally.
- Rooks slide in any direction left, right, up or down for as many cells as you need
- Bishops only go horizontally but at least they’re not limited in the number of squares
- Knights jump in a L-shape pattern: 2 forward, one to the side (flying over other pieces)
- The queen goes in a straight line wherever you want (including horizontally)
- The king proceeds 1 square in any direction
Players take turns when making their moves. During professional events, there is also a special clock with switchers. It’s necessary to press it to denote you’ve finished your part.
It Is Only The Beginning
Chess game rules are more complicated than that. There are special moves such as pawn promotion or castling, etc. We’ve found an informative short video to help you get the hang of it. It’ll show you how to arrange pieces, how to use them and other things to mind. And don’t forget to power up your studying journey with books. We recommend Chess 101 by Dave Schloss, a treasure for beginners.